On Friday 21st June, we had the opportunity to host our 3rd Annual Big Cycle Event and what an event it was!
The Big Cycle 2024 encouraged cyclists and walkers, of all abilities to join us and raise money for a fantastic charity – Crohn’s & Colitis UK – as voted for by our UK Anord Mardix staff.
Whether it be for a 10-mile walk or a 40-mile bike ride, all attendees were promised stunning views, welcome packs, great food & entertainment.
Each cycling route and the walk had been carefully crafted from the local knowledge of Anord Mardix staff and supported by the talented team at Zeus Cycling, who provided safety control vehicles, medics & professional riders to guide all of our participants.
Wanted to attend this year’s Big Cycle, but couldn’t? Let’s give you a run-down of the whole event…
Event Details
This year’s Big Cycle was held at Kendal Rugby Club (KRUFC), which was perfect in location, views & facilities.
Kendal Rugby Club hosted Breakfast, Snacks, Dinner and a post – event BBQ whilst we watched the sun go down over the grounds, it couldn’t have been a more ideal venue for our Big Cycle event.
We also made every effort to continue to support the local area throughout the day, with any spare, packaged food or bottles of water being donated to Manna House Homeless Support Charity.
Our Chosen Charity for 2024
Crohn’s & Colitis UK was chosen by our UK staff members, due to the amazing work they do day in, day out. Every day, people are diagnosed with Crohn’s or Colitis, the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease. You could be any age, rich or poor, of any faith or none, of any ethnicity, sexuality, or gender. You could be anyone walking down any UK street. Whoever you are, a diagnosis of Crohn’s or Colitis will be life changing.
Since 1979, Crohn’s & Colitis UK has been there for everyone affected by Crohn’s and Colitis.
Anord Mardix are really proud to be supporting such a wonderful charity for this year’s Big Cycle Event.
Activities available at the Big Cycle 2024
Encouraged by supporters and volunteers, each activity set off into the distance to begin their journeys! All the routes had challenges of their own and some hills to conquer, but every single participant took it in their stride.
Whether they were a cyclist or a walker, all participants were greeted at the finish line with cheers, clapping and even a singsong & dance routine performed by our volunteers Pete, Nicola, Rachel, Josey, Amie, Gosia, Mitchell & Mollie – you lucky things.
Included in each Big Cycle ticket was a free drinks token (for a refreshing beverage post activity), free breakfast, a free post-event snack and access to free BBQ food. The celebration began with reception drinks on the outdoor balcony followed by the cheque presentation to the charity, with the wonderful Magic Adam who demonstrated some of his tricks!
What a wonderful end to a perfect day…if we do say so ourselves!
“Thank you”

CBS (Critical Business Solutions), Schneider Electric, ABB, Delta, CSG Catering
A special thank you to the staff at Kendal Rugby Club who, even in the weeks running up to the event, couldn’t have been any more attentive and organised. Not to mention Chef Chris’ fantastic food throughout the day – all attendees were fuelled by his delicious breakfast butties, BBQ food and cakes. Maybe that’s why they all did so well?
Last But Not Least…
Our Volunteers
We couldn’t have got through the day without our staff members who volunteered on the day to support the Big Cycle. So, a special thank you to: Nigel Galling, Nicola Johnstone, Josey Woods, Rachel Breeze, Malgorzata Kabasa, Andrew Wallace, Simon Pack, Amie Marshall, Andy Bennett, Lee Yates, Pete Sowerby, Billy Johnson & Mitchell Peacock from Anord Mardix. All of you worked tirelessly throughout the day to make sure everything ran as smoothly as possible – thank you.

We also have to mention one volunteer in particular, who stood out, Kay Galling.
Kay organised and baked most of the sweet treats for our Big Cycle bake sale, helping us to raise additional funds for the charity! Not only that, but Kay supported Kendal Rugby Club’s Chef, Chris, to serve breakfast butties to over 100 people in the morning – we hope you enjoyed a well-deserved rest post-event Kay!
Anord Mardix Big Cycle 2024
Overall, a total of £10,000 was raised for Crohn’s & Colitis UK so, without sounding too eager, we’re already looking forward to next year.
Thank you to all of those who came, supported us, liked, shared and donated to our event via the below link:
Donation link – (we’ll leave this live for a little while longer).
Is it too soon to ask if you will join us again next year? Stay tuned for a registration link…